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sudo service ssh restart /etc/init.d/sshd restart
gmail 검색창에서 size:5000000 과 같이 검색 하면 메일 사이즈가 대략 5MB 이상인 메일들이 검색된다. size:10000000 로 검색하면 대략 10MB 이상인 메일들이 검색된다고 보면 된다. 참고 Find the Large Attachments Eating Up Your Gmail Space with a Simple Search 2011.08.12
Keycastr will let you visualize what key you stroked. Like this Configuration window Installation $ brew cask install keycastr References Keycastr github
Maybe you could see below error message box when you start MS Word every time. And you can see below error message when you quit MS Word You can't quit when you click "Yes" button. You can see below error message. You may retry quit If you click "Don't Save" and click "Don's Save" again. You could quit MS Word. But it will happen again and again. Here is a solution. Go to "~/Library/Group Contai..
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